Dear Diary,
My kingdom is revolting against me! But why, I am the greatest King, no one is better than me and I shall remain as king till the brightest of stars burn out. I have killed everyone that I respected, and drove them insane with revenge. What happens if all my bloody murders will come back to haunt me. Hah! I shall not fear death but death shall fear me because till Birnam Woods move to Dunsinane I shall conquer death. What! Impossible, Birnam woods it cannot be. The trees, the tress! There moving how could that be, trees do not move. Are those darned images in my head or are they real. My mind has gone mad with murder. I do not believe what I see, I am to stay king and my rain is too come to an end. I shall never be dethroned by withering humans I will slay anyone who comes within my grasp. Those babbling witches they have tricked me, made me follow my darkened ambitions how dare they I am the great Macbeth. Hell shall take those snivelling witches beyond the dark stars of those murderous nights, but wait the other prophecy I cannot be slain, by another whom is women born. Atlas I shall rain as King for years to come because I am the great Macbeth. I dare anyone to come to my castle and challenge my rain. I will take them by their necks and unsex them because I am the only man great enough to be king.
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